
Update rolling out for ASUS eee Pad Transfomer, Netflix now Pre-installed

ASUS just keeps on trucking all the time. It seems like every couple of weeks or so they drop an update for their tablet that solves some issues or adds some new features. I hope those of you that already got the update weren’t expecting Ice Cream Sandwich just yet were you? As awesome as that would have been, it is more of bug fix and new additions type update. Although what is included is rather important for users right now.

This update moves the device up to firmware version and brings in a few goodies. You will find a new App Backup ability to help you back up all that you have on your Transformer now, and easily transfer the back up to your soon to be purchased Transformer Prime. They made a few performance improvements and updated 9 various applications. Also, Netflix is now a pre-installed application with this update. That is kinda nice. I know some of you may complain about bloat ware, but a huge chunk of users were ecstatic after the last update finally allowed them to use Netflix with out hackery.

Keep up the good work ASUS, I am certain the Transformer will continue to reign supreme, even after the Prime drops.

Source: Droid-Life