
Dropbox moves update from beta to the market, get it Now

A few days ago we let you all know there was a pretty nifty update available to test out for Dropbox. It was made available at the Dropbox website and included a ton of new improvements, UI changes and just all around cool stuff. Not everyone is int the beat testing of app or app updates so some of you may have skipped it. Well, Dropbox felt as though the updated version was good enough to move to it to the market officially no. Here is what you can expect if you missed it last time.

  • Favorites: quick offline access to files
  • Bulk upload photos and videos
  • Rename files and folders
  • Single-tap access to all file and folder actions
  • Improved gallery view
  • Upload from and export to local storage
  • Numerous bug fixes and stability improvements

Some have said a few features that they loved are now absent in this update. One such features that was mentioned was one touch downloading. I took a look into my update and I see what they are talking about. You can still tap on any apps or files that would require downloading to use. The one touch downloading is no longer the case for image files though. Now when you tap on an image you get to see it like you would in your normal device gallery. With options to mark as favorite, share, export or delete. Tap on ‘export’ then ‘save to SD. Now, this is a little better in my opinion. Now you can actually select the folder to save the image to rather than it just downloading to a dropbox folder on your card.

If you skipped the beta release out of fear it would break something,your fears are over and you can now update it via the market. If you deleted Dropbox or are looking to take give it a shot, you can locate the QR code below. Enjoy and have a Happy Holiday as well.

Application: Dropbox
Developer: Dropbox, Inc.
Cost: FREE