
Alpha source ICS available for Notion Ink Adam

If building, playing and generally screwing around with kernels and GIT is your thing, then you might be interested in what is available for your enjoyment. Notion Ink, makers of the Adam Tablet, are in the Pre-Alpha stages of bringing Ice Cream Sandwich to their device. They made a video to show off the progress they have made so far. It isn’t looking to terribly bad at this point.

The list of things still not working far outweigh the list that does. In an effort to save you reading time, here is a list of just what is up and running at the moment –

  • Accelerated Graphics
  • GPS
  • Wi-Fi
  • Accelerometer
  • SD Card
  • ADB

Pretty short list huh? This isn’t all bad news though. If a talented dev pops on over to their website and gets to tinkering, much of the issues could be resolved in no time and be available in a custom ROM soon. Of course the source and availability isn’t or the everyday or average ROM flasher. We advise against it if you don’t know what you are doing.

Notion Ink also has plans to drop another round of Adam tablets for sale at a discount. They kept a few behind for the launch of ICS. If you are looking to pick one up, you should pop over to the Notion Ink Store and get registered. I just did and I have 5 days to get an order in. That’s a drag, but oh well.

Source: Notion Ink