
Motoluxe and Defy Mini announced by Motorola, features NEW MotoSwitch UI

More and more manufacturers are starting to release more affordable Android devices. Looking to corner the market on Android from all possible angles. Samsung has started to do this, and we expect sales of their devices to do well, especially for the tech needy kid and the broke parent. Motorola is now jumping on board with two new devices that should help fill the void as well. Primarily aimed at the younger generation with marketing terms like ‘hip device’ and ‘life proof.’ Seriously, what pre-teen or teen uses hip anymore?

The first device up is the Defy Mini. This one is gaining the life proof label. This little guy is dust-proof, water-resistant and sports scratch resistant Gorilla Glass. Running Android 2.3 on a smaller 3.2 inch screen with a modest 3MP camera with flash and the generic VGA front camera for those all important video chats and self portraits for Facebook. On a plus side it does have a 1650 mAh battery and should have some descent battery life.

The next device announced is the Motolux. This is their new ‘hip’ device that they hope will catch on with the kids. The Motoluxe has a slightly larger screen at 4-inches, also sporting Android 2.3 but has some improved camera features. You will find an 8MP camera along for the ride with your standard VGA front facing camera. On the downside, even though this device is larger with a bigger screen, they went with a 1400 mAh battery. Doesn’t seem to make much sense to me.

Both device with have a new UI installed as is always the case with Motorola devices, MotoSwitch. Focusing on your social behaviors and interactions more than anything else. The more you communicate with a person the bigger their image gets on the widget. Making connecting to that person even easier. They never did make mention on processor or RAM, we can only hope that they are both running at least a 1Ghz chip.

Neither of these device are scheduled for release in the U.S. just yet. They should both hit Greater China, Europe and Latin America sometime this spring. They should be on display at CES and we will take a quick look at this MotoSwitch UI and see if it an improvement to their MotoBlur UI. Check out the short videos of both of these devices below if you so do desire.

Source: Motorola via Androidandme