
Kingston beta testing Android app for Wi-Drive, stream media to multiple devices with Ease

During our adventures into sin city, we saw a number of products and services that were on the edge of pure awesomeness. Being an Android based site, we avoid some of the iOS only products unless we saw a potential for Android use as well. While talking with a rep from Kingston, we got a little dirt about the Wi-Drive.

In case you, like I wasn’t, familiar with the product lets give you a few details. The Wi-Drive comes in two models, a 16GB and a 32GB. We were lucky enough to get our hands on a 16GB to bring home and test out. It is essentially a portable Wi-Fi hard drive that will allow you to connect up to 3 devices simultaneously via the built-in Wi-Fi connection to access files. Sounds cool right? Well, what makes this a great little device in my opinion, is you can connect 3 devices and stream 3 different movie files at the same time. This is huge for those of us with kids and long car trips. Of course they need an iOS based product, for now.

What is good to hear though, is they are actively beta testing an Android app. The beta app is currently available in the market for free to try out. I haven’t given it a shot yet though as it states for tablets only at the moment. According to some of the comments though, some people have had some luck with it on various phones too. What I don’t like seeing though is the app hasn’t been updated since November 8th. I can only hope they have been working on it in-house and have managed to get things working. We were informed that the fully functional Android app would be coming soon. We all know how that statement can turn out though.

It should be a fun experience. Once I have some time to give it a try to see how the beta service is running I will write it up. Of course when the official app is launched we will make the final recommendation on if we think it is worth the expense.

I included a few photos of the device and what on can expect to find in the box. You have your extremely small Wi-Drive, charging/transfer cable and a USB port found on the side of a compact wall charger. You also have your user manual with all the information you could need about the unit. Dimension wise the device is X 61.8mm X 9.8mm. Network interface is Wi-Fi 802.11 g/n with wireless security (WPA/WEP)

You can check them out at to get a little better understanding of the device. Be sure to look for a full review if the beta app works for us, if not, then the review will come a bit later. Also, if any of our readers already have a Wi-Drive and haven’t seen the beta app for Android yet, we love it if you would give it a test as well and report back in the comments.