
Rumor: Leaked photos hint towards ASUS ‘TFT300T’ as next-gen Transformer?

Remember the ASUS Transformer Prime that was just released a while back? Of course you do. Everyone and their brother has been talking about it for the past few months and many of you are now a proud owner of the device. An image hit the Internet yesterday thanks to Taiwanese site NCCC which claims to have gotten its hands on a device that could be the followup to the Prime. According to Engadget, a QuieTek certification document revealed the tablet’s codename as “TF300T” – which is numerically higher than the ASUS eee Pad Transformer (TF101) and Prime (TF201). Unfortunately, that’s about all we have at this time though. No rumored specs or timeframe for release were given. So, file this away in your little rumor drawer for now and take a gander at the pic. We’ll update you when we hear anything more.

If you just bought a Transformer Prime, would it make you mad to find out a successor is already in the works?

Source: Via: Engadget