• News
  • 7 February, 2012

HUD Google Glasses Spotted in the Wild

The boys over at 9to5 Google have a source who has came across a prototype of the HUD Google Glasses. The HUD (Heads-Up Display) Glasses were first heard about last December. Here is what was said about them:



They are in late prototype stages of wearable glasses that look similar to thick-rimmed glasses that “normal people” wear.  However, these provide a display with a heads up computer interface.  There are a few buttons on the arms of the glasses, but otherwise, they could be mistaken for normal glasses.  Additionally, we are not sure of the technology being employed here, but it is likely a transparent LCD or AMOLED display such as the one demonstrated below:

In addition, we have heard that this device is not an “Android peripheral” as the NYT stated.  According to our source, it communicates directly with the Cloud over IP. Although, the “Google Goggles”  could use a phone’s Internet connection, through Wi-Fi or a low power Bluetooth 4.0.

The use-case is augmented reality that would tie into Google’s location services.  A user can walk around with information popping up and into display -Terminator-style- based on preferences, location and Google’s information.

Therefore, these things likely connect to the Internet and have GPS.  They also likely run a version of Android.


Since then, much more was learned about the glasses. There is a front-facing camera that will be able to take pictures and there is even a flash built-in for those night shots. The camera most likely will not be high in mega-pixels, but it will get the job done.

The HUD will only appear in one eye of the lenses, and it will not be transparent, nor will it have 3D configurations. Anyone else reminded of the end of the rock climbing scene in Mission: Impossible 2? When he puts on the glasses to find out his mission?

How do you navigate? Well you have to use your head…literally. It is looking like it will be using a head-tilt scroll-to-click sensor technology, so now you will look somewhat like a crazy person when your bobbing your head back and forth in public. The I/O has voice input and output, and they will sport CPU, Ram, and storage hardware which will probably not be rocking a dual-core chip, but something a much slower.

So what do you guys think about these glasses? Plan on purchasing a pair? I am sure it will set you back quite a bit especially being made by Oakley. I would gladly test out a pair for the Mandroid Show. Sound like a plan?

Source: 9to5 Google