
Framework animations give your device that extra little kick in the Keester

No matter what Google does to a UI, or what the manufacturers lay over the top, we still want more. Be it in the form of themes, hacks or mods, we can never seem to get enough to keep us happy. The latest edition of modified framework tweaks come from RootzWiki member thepsyntyst. Boy are they a doozy! The first set of modification he has made are for the stock framework animations, but he is hard at work to bring more original animations to us all.

The animation sets should be capable of installing on any phone running any ROM, but testing is a risk you will have to take. Installation has a few methods depending on what you are more comfortable with. He has a flashable zip version, MetaMorph, ROM Toolbox Pro and a Zip Theme version.

Take a look at a video preview below of just one that he is working on.

Believe me when I say you haven’t seen anything yet. You should take a little time to pop on over to thepsyntyst’s RootzWiki thread and take a closer look. These were located under the CDMA Galaxy Nexus section of the forums, but they should still be applicable to any ICS based ROM I would imagine. I just may have to see if they work out on my Vibrant running ICS later this afternoon and let you guys know the out come.

Via RootzWiki