
HTC Endeavor a.k.a Edge, gets confirmation from inside Source

The closer we draw to Mobile World Congress, the more leaks and inside confirmations start to appear. Similar things happen for CES, Google I/O and any other major event. Over the last week or so we have seen a good number of rumors and speculation drop on to the web. The HTC Endeavor, previously called the Edge, is one of said devices we are looking forward to seeing in action. The rumored specs really are shaping up quite nicely and now an inside sources are saying they are true. What is all the hubub about? Take a look for yourself and you tell us:

  • Android 4.0
  • 4.7-inch 720p screen
  • 8MP rear camera
  • 1.3MP front facing camera
  • WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • 1Gig of RAM
  • 1.5 GHz Tegra 3 quad-core processor
  • HTC Sense 4.0
  • Beats Audio
  • Quad-band HSPA+ radio

That is a pretty extensive list to be confirmed. It really nails down all the important aspects of the device. I can’t imagine this device being anything less than pure awesome. This should be one of, if not the, main devices that NVIDIA plans to unveil during their press conference in Spain. I, for one, am pretty excited to see it in action.

What do you guys think? Is HTC finally taking a step in the right direction by not offering up ANOTHER dual core Qualcomm device? As long as this is Android 4.0.3 at a minimum I think HTC might have a real winner on their hands. Now, who is going to carry it?

Source: MoDoCoÂ