
Sprint to bring Google Wallet with 10 new devices this Year

Even admits the security concerns that were recently exploited on Google Wallet, it is still a highly sought after feature. Currently only a handful of devices and retailers support the service, but it is expanding. The only way it will expand though, is through carrier adoption and support. Sprint is going to be jumping further on to that bandwagon through-out 2012 with at least 10 NFC-capable devices with Google Wallet access. Joining the ranks of the Nexus S will be the Galaxy Nexus and the LG Viper.

According to Google Wallet and Payment VP, Osmar Bedier, 22 of the largest retail changes in the US already support NFC-Based Google Wallet. Giving customers access to 300,000 terminals around the country. Many of the latest payment stations have started popping up in convenience stores and fast food chains.

What about the other guys though? AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile aren’t so supportive of the payment system on their devices. It call comes back to their Isis mobile wallet payment plan that is currently under way. Because, we all know that we need more confusion and more ‘exclusive’ services from out carriers. Why can’t they all just make life easy for everyone.

Source: FierceMobile