
Ice Cream Sandwich testing beginning for HTC Thunderbolt?

Just when you thought you had to buy a new device to get Ice Cream Sandwich, HTC drops a tester email to a few lucky people. It appears that HTC has, or by now I should say had, 10 slots open for a small group of people to test out ICS on a Thunderbolt. According to the email screenshot, test devices would be provided, and people who accepted the offer needed to use the phone as their daily device through April. You can see the other requirements they lay out, not that it is important to all of us.

The news however is good as it shows that HTC and Verizon are working on ICS for the Thunderbolt. It will most likely be Sense 3.6 based and not the latest Sense 4.0. They make no indication of that in the email. If testing is to complete at the end of April, a massive roll out for the ICS to your Thunderbolt could start hitting as early as May. We wouldn’t count on that though.

There has also been talk that this email is a fake. That it was composed as a reply to a HTC email and filled it in. It is possible, until we can get further confirmation that others have received the same email, we are going to hold off on calling it official.

Source: VZBuzz