
[Video] Watch the Process HTC Uses to Construct the Highly Durable HTC One S

We have all been in that “OMG” moment when our phones slip out of our hands and gravity takes it to the ground. You simply died a little inside. That poor little phone. It is going to have a nice big scratch on it now. So then we spend the extra money trying to protect our phones with special covers, which then can make our phones a little more bulky. Well HTC is going to try to bring the worry out of dropping our phones by constructing at new durable body for the HTC One S.

In the video below, the designers mention the process used as Micro Arc Oxidation. They basically zap the aluminum body with 10,000 volts which is the equivalence to a bolt of lightning. This makes the body 5x stronger than aerospace aluminum, and 3x stronger than stainless steel. I wonder if it can stop bullets. Could come in handy when walking down those dark alleys at night. Now I guess this is only being used with the One S and not the One X. That kind of puzzles me. You would think they would want to do this process to all their new awesome phones, but what can you do. Check out the video below, and let us know if this sways you to want to get an HTC One S.

Source: Android Police