• News
  • 27 March, 2012

CM9 goes live for AT&T’s Samsung Galaxy S II, come and get It

About an hour ago the CyanogenMod G+ page lit up with a great new tidbit of information. Those of you that keep a constant tab on the new additions and device changes may have noticed the galaxys2att device is missing in action. As a member of the team explains, they changed it to the i777 to help alleviate any confusion since AT&T has so many Galaxy S devices in its line up. While importance of the name change isn’t all the major, the fact that CM9 nightly for the i777 is. That’s right, as of last night the Samsung Galaxy S II on AT&T has now been added to the nightly list effective last night. Bringing all the wonders that is CM and ICS to your SGSII.

Most of you die hard CM fans already know where to go to pick up the ROM. For those of you that don’t you can head to get.cm and click on the i777. Don’t forget to pick up the latest Google Apps package too or else you will have a killer ROM with no Google Apps. Good luck and be sure to let us know how it goes and how it works out in the comments below.

Via CyanogenMod G+