
Google TV’s ‘TV & Movie’ app updates with new additions and a few Fixes

A new update is currently available to those of us that have some sort of Google TV box. They recently pushed an update out for the TV & Movie’ app. The update brings in a few new features that many people have been requesting for some time now. It now allows you ability to remove channels from the live TV shelves, remove empty shelves by default, along with additional Dish Network content. You will also  have some expanded details about the selected content, add a star rating and set favorites.

The favorites section is a pretty nice feature though. Say you live and breathe ESPN, if you set it as a favorite channel you will instantly see what is playing on it. Add in all your favorite channels and you can cut your searching down dramatically. It is sort of your personal TV Guide to only the channels you actually like. When you open a  movie or TV show for the first time you will be prompted to rate it. Then Google will take that information and deliver more or less content that is similar. They are really trying to personalize your interaction with your media.

Be sure to update the app next time use your Google TV unit. Hit the source for the full look and walk though of the new features.

Source: Google TV