
HTC Avoiding Apple’s Patent Claims with Custom Android Builds

After finding out yesterday about the “ridiculousness”of Apple’s patent infringement suit on HTC, delaying the HTC Evo 4G LTE and new HTC One X phones from entering the country; a lot of us stared at our computer screens with rage in our eyes and rage in our hearts. Then after we cooled down we asked the question, “why if HTC knew about the details of this patent infringement, did they not try their very best to side-step it to prevent Apple’s finger-pointing?” Well…they kind of did.

Turns out the menu pop-up that we always saw when clicking the link in the message thread or what not, has been removed in the new versions of Sense for HTC US devices. That was that window that gives you the option to choose a certain browser or app for that certain link. This newly refined  feature that will be implemented, is when clicking on the link your phone will just automatically go to that certain “associated app”. You will be able to pick that associated app in your settings as shown below. I actually really like this idea. Cuts out the middle man in a way, and it hopefully will keep Apple’s lawyers at bay.

So not bad HTC, but will it work?  We will keep you posted on the events that follow, and I say we picket Apple stores this weekend.

Source: Phandroid