capychimp has released an update to RCMixDroidXxX. The latest version is now 2.1.
This release is supported on the following Device(s):
– HTC Sensation
RCMixDroidXxX V 2.1
ChangelogCode:-changed all the lib`s system for a better performance -changed an huge amount of key libs,etc,and bin files for a better system management -revised all the build.prop tweaks for a better launcher management in terms of fps, and better tweaks performance -updated a lot of system app to fit the new speed tweaks -removed batt% due to request 😉 -added new better drivers for touch responsive management -removed nova launcher -added Apex Launcher -added Google Reader -added aosp Sense 4 clocks widgets for a bit of Sense experience for aosp launcher lovers -added @XxXPachaXxX as a new team member for a better team experience LOL -updated internal app`s -more clean up`s to the base -something I can`t remember now
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