
BIG Launcher Brings a Simple Home Replacement in a Big Way

Okay first off, this launcher is not going to be a launcher typical Android users are going to use. It is very different indeed, but not different in the way us die hard Androiders are use to. Let’s just say, if you decide to pick up an Android phone or tablet for grandma, you are going to want to put this launcher on it.

Big Launcher brings a simple and easy to see UI that grandma and grandpa can even navigate through. No fancy tricks here, just good all point A to point B, with HUGE font you can see from the space station. You guys seen the infomercials for that Jitterbug cell phone for senior citizens? Here is its launcher cousin. I guess this launcher can also be used by your little offspring. Although kids today can practically arm a nuclear warhead, which is a scary concept if you think about it. The UI is pretty ugly, but again, this is for the simple-minded person who does not really care about what Android has to offer. They just want to navigate through their phone or tablet with perfect ease. Here are the features you get:

The BIG Launcher replaces the common user interface of any phone with Android 2.1 or higher. It was designed for readability and easy use. It is controlled by single touches – no swipes, no long presses.

Access all the basic functions of the phone via a simple interface, where no one can get lost. Large texts and color icons help you to easily distinguish important items. The most frequently used items are at the top of the list.

SMS messages are sorted in conversations; large font and color coding is used for displaying the message thread. Reply easily to any message with integrated SMS editor.

Use big shortcuts for your most used applications or find them quickly in the list with instant search. Recently used apps are at the top of the list. You can even hide the apps you don’t use to keep the list clean.

Three different color schemes and three font sizes allow you to use your phone without glasses. The whole interface can be controlled by hardware cursors and everything is read by Talkback – ideal for blind people.

Older people will love the big battery and signal indicators, direct dialing of their favourite contacts and the SOS button in cases of emergency. Full screen mode and password protection prevents users from getting lost.

Power users can set up an unlimited number of screens with apps or contact shortcuts. You can choose from lots of different icons or have a custom screen background if you want.

Now there is a free demo version of the launcher, and a paid version that will run you an Abe Lincoln. Give it a try, and let us know what you guys think of it. Check out the video below to see it all in action.

Application: BIG Launcher FREE demo
Developer: BIG Launcher Team
Cost: FREE

Application: BIG Launcher
Developer: BIG Launcher Team
Cost: 4.99