
Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon gets a new leaked Jelly Bean Build

Looking to check out a little Jelly Bean on your Verizon branded Galaxy Nexus? Looks like there is a new build that has leaked out that can put some JRO03O JB love to your device. The updated version popped up on the Google servers last night and is now available for all who wish to give it a go. Before you get all gung ho and start flashing things, you need to make sure your GNex is stock and running IMM76Q. Secondly, this is still a test build and not quite the final version yet. Be prepared for a few bugs or issues. On a side note though, it is being reported that this build does contain a new bootloader and new radios (FF02 CDMA/FG02 LTE). That right there could be worth giving it a shot for some.

XDA developer oldblue910 says your best chance for success in giving it test run is to flash IMM76K, then upgrade to the IMM76Q build and then flash the latest leak. You might want to do a little research before you go pushing buttons and getting yourself into hot water. Or you could always wait till your favorite developer gets all of this worked into a new update too.

Hit up the source links below for the files, instruction and more information.

Source: XDA, Droid-LifeÂ