
Apple sets sights on Polish Deli and Grocery Store in latest legal Dispute

Didn’t we just say that thermonuclear war with Apple and all industries has begun? Pretty sure we said that in the last Apple related post featuring David Lawee. If you need further proof that apple is after anything and everything it can, we present to you another dispute recently filed by Apple. No this has nothing to do with Android, but sort of shows a bit more into the minds of the Apple legal team and the things we can all expect to see from them in the future.

Apple has recently filed a complaint with the Patent office in Poland. Claiming that a Polish deli, whose web address is, is using Apple reputation to gain shoppers. Polish Patent Office spokes person reportedly said the following –

“Apple brand is widely recognized and the company says that, by using the name that sounds similar, is using Apple’s reputation” chief executive Radoslaw Celinski said: “The accusation is ludicrous”.

The full details are still a bit murky on exactly what Apple is more upset about. The web address is only part of what is really going on. There is also a logo issue for a site called, which also owns. And what is Apple all up in arms about on this one? That the logo is stolen from them. What so you think?

I don’t know about you, but I sure as heck would be confused about a home deli delivery service and a large green Apple for a grocery store in Poland. I might think Apple has expanded into more markets and helping me to live a better and easier life with food too. We can’t imagine that the Polish Patent Office will side with Apple on any of this, but it is still interesting to see where Apples legal minds are at. Let the games begin.

Source: Rueters