The application is very simple and does one thing and one thing only. It provides you with a battery bar meter across the top of you screen. Much like MIUI does in their stock software. This one has a lot more personal customization though. For instance you can alter the color of the battery bar to any color you can imagine and even add some transparency to it too. You have full control over the physical width of the bar as well, making only a few pixels to fit across the top above your notifications, or making it slightly transparent and covering the whole notification area. It can be all one solid color or you can adjust it to change colors at various battery levels.
Setting the app up takes just a few clicks and can give you just one more super cool little addition to help show off how cool you and your device really are. Be sure to check out the free version of T.E.A.M. Batter Bar below before you go snag the donate version. It can be picked up through the app its self. You will want to make sure it works on your device before hand. Even the devs say the same thing. Oh, final note, it works on tablets as well. So click or scan away and give it a whirl.
Application: T.E.A.M. Battery bar
Developer:Â pvyParts