
New Swype Beta v1.3 launches tomorrow, come see what it’s all about Now

You know you love Swype. Quite a lot of users do. It is a fast and easy text input method that has been adopted by the like of Samsung for quite some time. It gives people the ability to slide their fingers from letter to letter to create words. Simple explanation, I know. It really is a pretty great keyboard for a lot of people.

We have just learned that there is a new version of Swype on its way tomorrow (10-18). Moving to version 1.3. It looks and sounds like it will have some great new additions that should make many of your lives even easier. Lets take a quick peek at  them.

  • Dictionary Backup & Sync – Swype 1.3 will now backup and sync your user dictionary across any device that is running Swype. Meaning you won’t have to rebuild your personal dictionary every time you flash a new ROM or buy a new phone or tablet. No more saving your kids names to the dictionary every time.

  • Swype for Tablet – You read that correctly. Swype is coming to tablets in a multitude of ways. There will be three different keyboard layouts for a tablet user to choose from. You will have your traditional keyboard layout, a small movable keyboard and a split keyboard.


  • Hotword – Now, this is pretty interesting and unique. Swype will be updating their dictionaries to automatically include globally trending words. Yes, “Gangnam Style” was listed for their example. So now all you parents out there can be hip with your kids and easily Swype out the new chatter without worrying about a Swypo in the process.

  • Themes – That’s right. No longer will you have to search the deep underground of the forums in hopes of finding a compatible theme for your Swype and device. They will now offer up 10 various themes that you can change in the blink of an eye through the settings.


  • More Language Support – Having a keyboard application that does great things won’t go very far in this world unless you support the globe to the best of your ability. This latest update will bring enhancements to the Chinese keyboard with an additional toolbar and has an added Flick keyboard for Japanese.

How about just a couple more images from a phone so you know what that will look like.

 So, what do you think of the impending release? You think you will hop on over to in the morning and pick it up? I know I will be giving it a whirl tomorrow. Are you more excited about the backup & Sync? The Hotwords? The Themes? or maybe you have been wishing there was a better tablet keyboard option out there. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.