
Galaxy Note 8 Picture Leaks Out


Who is ready for an even more bloated Galaxy Note? With rumors that the Galaxy Note 3 is going to have a 6.3 inch display, Samsung felt they needed to also release something slightly bigger. Which number have we not tackled yet…8! Bigger than a Nexus 7, but not quite as big as a traditional tablet. I think it is pretty ridiculous, but hey, whatever gets the crowd excited.

Well the first picture of the Galaxy Note 8 has hit the web, and yes, it just looks like a bloated Galaxy S III. I guess Samsung has found their official design for their devices, and of course, the Note 8 will pack a punch:

  • 8-inch 1280 x 800p display
  • 16GB internal storage
  • 5MP camera
  • quad-core 1.6GHz processor
  • 2GB of RAM
  • Android 4.2

Not bad for a mini tablet. Guess we will see it in action at MWC. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Android Pit