• News
  • 24 January, 2013

Ubuntu Phone Core Apps get some chatter, inline with all other Smartphones

Twitter design UbuntuThis whole Ubuntu phone thing is such a hit and miss topic. Some can’t wait for it, others can’t believe it is even on the table. I am personally still up in the air. On one hand, does the world really need another mobile OS? On the other hand, why shouldn’t consumers have more choices. I am a bit torn.

We do know that the Ubuntu handsets are on their way. They should be coming very soon in fact. While we missed the OS at CES 2013, we are till all interested in following along with it. For those of you that can’t seem to get enough info about the device, here is a brief little ditty of info about 12 core apps that are certain to be installed at time of launch.

8 “traditional” apps

  • File Manager
  • Calendar
  • Clock/Alarm
  • Weather
  • Terminal
  • Calculator
  • E-Mail Client
  • Document Viewer

4 “social” apps

  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • RSS Reader

What? Were you expecting something super fabulous? The Ubuntu device will roll out with all the standard apps that one could need to operate the device. The addition of a Terminal as a core app could spark some serious interest from the hacker and development community though. They have been pushing Ubuntu to tablets and phones for a number of years already. We can see some serious dual-boot action in the heads of a lot of our favorite devs out there. That could really push the Ubuntu device to a quick winner in the community’s book. Guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Source: OMG!Ubuntu via EngadgetÂ