
[Video] Samsung “el Plato Supreme” teaser featuring Seth Rogan and Paul Rudd

Samsung #TheNextBigThing
I heard a rumor that there is some “Big Game” about to take place between the San Francisco “50 minus 1’s” and the Baltimore “Blackbirds”. That is a mouthful. We all know who we are talking about and what game we are taking about, right? The multi-million dollar commercial slots for the upcoming big game are probably one of the best reason to be watching. Samsung will be placing a few new ads campaigns in the mix. We know for sure that they will be doing something with their SMART TV line in the 2nd and 3rd quarter of the game.

“The Super Bowl has become a cultural movement amongst sports and pop culture fans alike,” said Ken Price, Director of Marketing, Mobile Communications, Samsung Canada. “The Next Big Thing campaign has allowed us the flexibility to tap into significant cultural moments and relevant conversations while showcasing our innovation.”

If you were a little bit confused by the team name changes in the beginning of this post, then you should probably watch the little teaser release they just put out. It features Seth Rogan and Paul Rudd. Two very funny guys and great actors. Check it out.


Pretty funny huh. I personally love the team name changes that were made. Let’s face it, Samsung gets sued by everyone for everything all the time. Pretty sure this was their way of making all those insane legal issues a little more light-hearted. We pretty love how Samsung deliberately puts references in for things and makes them funny.

If you are a Twitter fiend, then you should be ready for a slew of hash tagged action too. As you saw at the end of the teaser, there will probably be a couple. One that is easily going to be used often is #TheNextBigThing. We are looking forward to what little tricks and schemes Samsung and these two guys have planned.