
Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour on special for a Buck and it was just Updated [Deal Alert]

Gameloft Moderncombat 4 Zero Hour
Looking for one heck of an action packed first person shooter to kick back and play? Gameloft is having a limited time sale on Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour. For the uninformed, MC4 is the more recent version of the Modern Combat line. It features amazing graphics, an awesome story line and a whole lot of killing. Don’t forget about the crazy and intense Multiplayer mode, tons of weapons and Moga Controller support. It is a pretty exciting and fun game and for a buck it is easily worth your money.

Gameloft Modern Combat 4 Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour b
On aside note, Gameloft just pushed and update out for the game today as well. They added in 2 new weapons - Tygr X3 – Automatic SMG: Small, accurate, deadly and the Compakt-665 – Automatic Assault Rifle: The perfect balance between damage, rate of fire, accuracy and mobility. The update also added in weekly leader board updates, improved multiplayer balancing, reduced wait time from 60 seconds to 15 seconds and other various bug fixes, performance enhancements and security improvements.


We know those of you that have the game will be quick to snag the update. For those of you that don’t have it yet, what are you waiting for? It is a pretty amazing game. Hit the link below and go pick it up.

Play Store Link – Modern Combat 4: Zero Hour by Gameloft. Usually $4.99 on special for $0.99.