
[Alert] Asus drops Transformer Prime bootloader unlock Tool

In case you aren’t paying attention, today is February 22nd. Asus promised they would provide users with an unlock tool for those locked bootloaders has been successfully met. Even if just barely. I don’t know how you guys feel about Asus, but as of late, they seem to be one of the best manufacturers for device support and keeping promises. To bad others like Motorola can’t follow suit and keep their promises too. The tool is available now via their website, under utilities.

The tool comes with the general warning labels of impending doom and it is your own fault if you ruin your tablet. Nothing we all haven’t heard before.

If you have been long awaiting Asus to jump on board with the likes of HTC and free those bootloader chains, now is the time. Point your browser to Asus Support and have fun.