
Video: Now that the Transformer Prime bootloader tool is available, get ready for CyanogenMOD 9!

CM9 Asus Transformer Prime

Well, that sure was fast! It wasn’t but a couple hours ago when the world was treated to the news that the bootloader unlock tool is now available for the Asus Transformer Prime, and now the CyanogenMOD crew has already dropped a video of CM9 running on the tablet. As the video shows us, nearly all (if not all) of the hardware is already working. Auto-rotate, camera, hardware video acceleration — all of it is working. Furthermore, the team is expecting to have a beta release available in the coming days, so make sure to keep your eyes and ears right here, kids! Until then, feast your eyes on the 2-minute video below, by , and drool away at the Ice Cream Sandwich goodness that is CyanogenMOD 9!

Source: Google+