
@AmazonAppStore FREE App of the Day – Hundred Pushups

Amazon has released their FREE app of the day, and today we have Hundred Pushups by SoftwareX.  Feel like getting in shape?  Wish you could do a hundred pushups?  Hundred Pushups will guide you through a routine to get your body building cells hard to make you healthier.

It’s FREE, so download it, give it a try and uninstall it if you don’t want it.


Product Features

  • Follow this 6 week training program to improve your health
  • Be able to do 100 consecutive push-ups
  • Increase your strength, will, and discipline with one simple exercise
  • Share your progress via Facebook and Twitter
  • Use the app as a companion to the popular website program

Product Description

If you’re serious about increasing your strength, follow this six week training program and you’ll soon be on your way to completing 100 consecutive push-ups. Think there’s no way you could do this? You can! All you need is a good plan, plenty of discipline, and about 30 minutes a week to achieve your goal.

No doubt there are those of you out there that can already do 50 consecutive push-ups, but let’s face it, you’re in a big minority. Most people will only be able to do 5, or 10, or 20. Or maybe you’ve tried the “good-form” push-ups, but can only manage one or two before you drop to the floor, exhausted. Don’t be despondent; several alternative options exist which will still enable you to follow the Hundred Pushups plan.


Why Push-Ups?

The main aim of the Hundred Pushups program is to improve your overall strength, fitness, and general health. Push-ups are one of the most basic exercises for the human body. Not only are they great for your chest, they do a tremendous job of defining your abs, triceps, shoulders, and torso. Best of all, push ups can be performed no matter where you are and are completely free–no need to buy expensive equipment or pay gym fees.

The Program

The Hundred Pushups program begins with an initial performance test. Simply do as many good form push-ups as you possibly can and input the number to view a six-week program customized for your skill level. Don’t cheat on your initial test! While the results may be humbling, being honest will ensure you get the best strengthening plan that will help you stick with it!


About the App

The official Hundred Pushups app by SoftwareX brings all the features of the online program to the convenience of your Android device. Enter the number of official push-ups and you will be on your way to starting the program. Tap to see how many push-ups your first set should contain and then tap to initiate the rest timer–a countdown to the next set for that day! You can change the number of sets you completed if it differed from the standard program and update Facebook or Twitter with your daily success. Track your progress under Logs & Graphs and get tips for each week. The app also includes detailed information on how to complete a good form push-up.

Please note that the Hundred Pushups Android app should be seen as a companion, rather than a replacement, to the website. It simply offers daily convenience at the touch of an icon!


Summary and Downloads:

Application: Hundred Pushups
Developer: SoftwareX
Cost: FREE