
[RUMOUR] ASUS Could Potentially Be Making A Nexus 10 Refresh

nexus 10It’s widely accepted that the Google and ASUS partnership to build the Nexus 7 has been a huge success, culminating in the release of the 2013 Nexus 7. So it wasn’t actually that surprising to hear the rumour that ASUS might be contributing to a refreshed version of the Nexus 10. Sources pin the Nexus 10 refresh to be released before the end of the year, and given ASUS’ track record recently, it would likely be a great piece of quality hardware at a great price.

Hopefully we’ll hear a little more about this rumour in the near future, but it’s definitely one we’ll be keeping an eye on. And we wonder if this might be Google giving Samsung the cold shoulder, shunning it from its Nexus program. Whatever the truth is, the end to 2013 is shaping up to be a crazy finish.

Do you think this rumour is true? Would you be interested/less interested in an ASUS-made Nexus 10? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: via Android Central