• News
  • 27 November, 2009

Android 2.1 HERO ROM in the hands of developers

Great news for everyone  … A new ROM for the HTC Hero has been released and is currently in the hands of some of the developers out there.  KingKlick has been tweeting about it and already has a version running on his own phone.  He’s been sending tweets from the phone so it’s obviously working.

The other surprising news is that the ROM is apparently Android 2.1 and based on SDK Rel. 6. What this means right now is unclear but it sounds like it has Multi-Touch browser support out of the box and I’m sure a lot more and I don’t know about just yet.  As we get more info and I’ll let you all know.

So if you want to keep yourselves up to date with the progress, be sure to follow the tweets from KingKlick and Barakinflorida to name just a coupe and of course we’ll be tweeting as soon as we have any news so be sure to follow AndroidStory as well.