
Android 4.4.3 could be out soon after internal build existence is leaked Out

Android 4.4.3We’ve been expecting the release of software build Android 4.4.3 for some time now, but the rumours have died down greatly. Today, however, is our lucky day as it appears a screenshot of Android 4.4.3 being released internally at Google has been leaked out (despite the obvious irony of the screenshot). The device being updated appears to be a Nexus 5, and we have heard that one of the fixes rumoured to be in the new software update is supposed to specifically address a bug only found on the Nexus 5 camera.

Apart from fixing the Nexus 5 camera bug, Android 4.4.3 is supposed to address quite a few more issues such as data connection and Wi-Fi dropout issues, Bluetooth fixes and many more (see a partial list of the changes here). While we do see the internal rollout of the software update here, there’s no telling when the public build will be made available, but here’s to hoping it will be sooner rather than later.

Are you excited to hear that Android 4.4.3 may almost be here? Are you affected by any of the issues that required the update to fix? Let us know in the comments.

Source: Google+ via Android Ice Cream Sandwich