
Filpboard Beta available to all who wish to try It

You may or may not have already given Flipboard a try yet. The app was leaked out a little while ago from the Galax S III and made its rounds to various websites and forums. In a nut shell it is a magazine style news and RSS reader. It is pretty and different. Some loved it and some hated it. No matter which way you leaned, many of you never stop to think that the app was pulled from a completely different device and that it might just not be ready for us to toy with on other devices. That never seems to stop us though.

Flipboard has since seen how fast their application cruised around the web and thought they better get on the ball. Rather than being upset about the whole ordeal, they went ahead and made the application a public beta for anyone to test out. By launching a public beta they have the opportunity to get real feedback from users from all over the globe and with various devices. This gives them a chance to start making the application better for everyone. Feel free to pick up the official public beta of Flipboard below, or you can go to and request it using your email address.

Download – Flipboard