
Android 5.1 factory images start making their appearance for Nexus devices

The flurry of Android 5.1 Lollipop info is certainly swift tonight. Google made the OS update official earlier this evening, T-Mobile started rolling out the update to their Nexus line, minus the Nexus 6, and now we find the factory images making their appearance on the Android Developer website.

Right now we see the images for the Nexus 5, 2012 WiFi Nexus 7 and the Nexus 10. I assume the rest of the Nexus family will see their factory images over the next few days.

Nexus 5 GSM LTE factory Image

For those new to the Nexus line, the factory images from Google brings the software to users who aren’t patient for the OTA updates, but more importantly, it lets you recover from a bad ROM flash or other potentially non-booting issues.

I imagine developers are already pulling down all the various files and getting to work on incorporating them into their custom ROM builds. It should be a pretty exciting next few months. If you are ready to snag the factory images and get to playing about, then direct yourself over the Android Developers Blog.

Via 9to5Google