
Android L will be coming to Wi-Fi Nexus devices on November 3rd

Android L will be coming to Wi-Fi Nexus devicesIf you’re the owner of a Nexus device, you’re no doubt wondering when you’re going to get your first official taste of Android L. Well, we now know that Android L will be coming to Wi-Fi Nexus devices on November 3rd, which includes the Nexus 7 2012, Nexus 7 2013 Wi-Fi and the Nexus 10. Of course, that means owners of the Nexus 4, Nexus 5 and Nexus 7 2013 LTE will have to wait until “later that month”, presumably due to the intricacies of making a new software update play nice with cellular functions.

This news comes via an anonymous source speaking with Android Police, but it does seem legitimate and does just about line up with previous rumours that we have heard regarding the actual release date of Android L to the general public, namely Nexus devices. Mark the date on your calendar, folks.

Source: Android Police via TalkAndroid