
Android is about to overtake iOS in global web traffic Figures

Android is about to overtake iOS in global web trafficDespite the fact that Android holds a commanding 80% of the global smartphone market over iOS, iOS has steadfastly maintained their own lead in global web traffic. When you actually consider what that means (besides availability of mobile data in some regions), you really start to appreciate how people use their iOS devices i.e. a lot. That lead, however, has been slowly eroding and Net Applications’ latest findings on the topic seems to show that Android is about to overtake iOS in global web traffic.

As the graph above shows, Android has increased its global web traffic percentage to 43.75%, less the 2 percentage points less than iOS’ share of the cake with 45.61%. This has been a startling turnaround for Android as only a year ago, it accounted for only 24.66% of global web traffic, compared to 57.56% for iOS at that time. It only seems like a matter of time before Android does eventually surpass iOS in this category, yet another feather in the cap of the world’s most popular (or at the very least, populous) mobile operating system.

What do you think about Android’s web traffic statistics? Surprised to see iOS still hanging on? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Source: Net Applications via Phone Arena