Now if you haven’t tried
Android Pro Widgets yet, what are you waiting for? They are awesome scrollable
widgets and if you want a little more
Ice Cream Sandwich in your face, there is now two themes you can check out.
Now first we just have a basic ICS theme created by Sonny Sekhon, and honestly there is not too much to it. I used the theme for a couple of days and it has a chocolate look to it, so maybe it is more mimicking an actual ice cream sandwich. It is not that bad though so give it a whirl. It is free so you got nothing to lose.
 Next theme is definitely more of an ICS looking theme. It is called
Dark widgets ICS. Now this one actually has the blue color to it that we’ve been seeing, so this one might better suit your phone if you are really wanting that ICS look to it. Now this one is a dollar, which is not bad at all it actually is quite pretty. Remember to download the original APW app and get the license key because you will not be able to add themes unless you have the key. It is worth it, trust me. These are my favorite widgets and the themes keep on coming.
 application: APW theme Ice Cream Sandwich
Sonny Sekhon
Cost: FREE
Application: APW Theme Dark Widgets ICS
Developer:Â DJDarkknight
Cost: .99