
Android Tablets get a breather from Apple iPad – Maybe

Not really Android news, but good news for Android all the same.

It appears that the launch of the Apple iPad Tablet has been fraught with user complaints of extremely poor WiFi performance or very low connection strength.  Some users even complained that the iPad was forgetting their WiFi security information.

While it looked like the Apple iPad was going to get a good head start in the Tablet world with the release of the iPad , the early release may have actually bit them in the foot a little.

After Apples weeks of hyping up the iPad touch-screen tablet, Apple has acknowledged the device sometimes has trouble connecting to the Internet.

After complaints from many iPad users stating that they were getting dropped WiFi connections or failed to get a Wi-Fi connection at all. Apple posted the following comment on their technical support site:

Under certain conditions, iPad may not automatically rejoin a known Wi-Fi network after restart or waking from sleep.”

Apparently there have also been complaints of overheating and screens that can scratch easily.  It sure doesn’t sounds like Apples usual MO for a new device release.

I’m sure apple will eventually resolve the issues but this does give a fighting chance for the Android Tablet manufacturers to get their games in gear and roll out some competitive devices.

We have started collecting information about many Android Tablet devices and adding plenty of info into the forums.  Head over to the forums to see the Android Tablets we current have and discuss them further.

We also received a WebStation review unit from Camangi today and will giving you all the juice just as soon as we have enough info and photos.  I’ll be doing a full business usage test over the next few days for a project that could actually benefit from tablet devices like these.  I’ll let you know how it hold up.  My initial reaction is that the device really needs a little more juice, but that’s for another post 🙂

So if any of you have any feeling on the Android Tablet world or just want to rant and rave about the iPad… The comment section is just down from here!