
Why the Apple iPhone 6 may cause other phones to get slightly more Expensive

Apple iPhone 6It’s probably somewhat of an understatement to say that many of us in the Android community couldn’t care less about what happens to Apple‘s latest rumoured device, the Apple iPhone 6. Unfortunately, its existence might have an undesired side-effect on the rest of the smartphone market, and it seems to stem from the fact that Apple has allegedly placed an order of 70-80 million iPhone 6s to be made in anticipation of its launch. While that in itself isn’t the issue, it’s the effect that it’s going to have on the contracted manufacturers that is going to affect many corners of the Android world.

Media in China have allegedly said to expect a 5-10% price increase on flagship devices due to Apple’s large order. The increase in price is reportedly going to be caused by contracted manufacturers needing to make iPhone 6’s with the limited resources they have; consider Foxconn, which manufacturers parts for not only Apple, but Sony, Motorola, Nokia and many others. Is seems this would inevitably push supply of these other devices lower, resulting in a price increase. Clearly I’m no economist, but Apple’s huge order looks like it is definitely going to have some kind of effect on the smartphone market, but it’s unclear whether manufacturers are happy to bear the brunt themselves or pass the costs onto buyers.

What do you think about the possibility of a price hike due to the manufacture of the Apple iPhone 6? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: via Phone Arena