• News
  • 1 April, 2010

Apple lawsuit moves forward, slightly

“Bad timing to announce on April 1st, but today the International Trade Commission (ITC) said they would begin investigating Apple’s complaints about HTC. If you haven’t committed the complaints to memory, here’s a refresher. What does this mean for HTC? As of right now, not much. ITC has simply found Apple’s complaint to have some merit, and is not completely without cause.

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) has voted to institute an investigation of certain personal data and mobile communications devices and related software. The products at issue in this investigation relate to hardware and software used in mobile communication devices, including but not limited to cellular phones and smartphones.

The USITC has identified the following as respondents in this investigation:

High Tech Computer Corp. a/k/a HTC Corp. of Taiwan;
HTC America, Inc., of Bellevue, WA; and
Exedea, Inc., of Houston, TX.”

Again, this is all high-level legal proceedings. ITC has 45 days to announce when their investigation will end, which could sill be months or even years out. It should be noted that ITC remedial orders in section 337 cases are effective when issued and become final 60 days after issuance unless disapproved for policy reasons by the U.S. Trade Representative within that 60-day period.

[Source Electronista, Gizmodo]