
Apple Seeks Face Unlock Patent…Again

What is that Apple? You want to get a patent on an innovative idea that came out a year ago? Oh, but I am sure you will make it so much better, right? I guess I will never understand the conceit that companies have when they pull stuff like this. Of course it is Apple and they can just do whatever they want now, right?

Apple apparently tried to get a similar face unlock patent back in December. Funny thing about that is, Android already unveiled the feature when ICS and the Galaxy Nexus were unveiled. So how can they accomplish getting this patent if Google already has it? Well this patent apparently uses a technology that, not only recognizes the user of the device, but can also recognize different users and log them in on their account. Stupid for a phone, not so stupid for tablets or computers.  I guess this technology also recognizes if the user of the device is actually holding it in their hands. So if the user is chained in a basement somewhere and the kidnapper wants to access the device, they will not be able to unlock the device by just hold it up to the person’s face. INNOVATION APPLE.

We knew this type of BS was going to happen after Apple’s big win over Samsung. Erroneous patents and infringement cases will ensue, but we can all hope that Apple will not succeed. Let us know what you guys think.

Source: Android Authority