
ASUS/Google Nexus tablet rumored to land in July

When Google dropped the first, second and third Nexus device in just as many years, people knew it had to expand. They aren’t always the most cutting edge device, with the most insane specs ever created. They are however built well and run a stock version of Android that no other device on the market does out of the box. The only thing the Nexus line has been missing out on thus far is a companion. Yes, we are referring to a Google Nexus tablet. Having a phone and tablet that is stock Android and supported directly from Google would be a great pairing.

We have heard rumors of a Nexus tablet coming from Google and ASUS for sometime now. It makes sense that Google would choose ASUS to produce their first tablet. ASUS makes great products and is constantly looking to bring prices down. They also have a fairly good track record for support and innovation.  New information is leaking out that pegs the duo to release the Nexus tablet sometime in June with it becoming available for purchase in July. According to a source, the Nexus tablet would be of the 7-inch variety. They say it could have hit as early as this month, but they are working out a few small changes.

With Google I/O scheduled for late June, we fully expect it to be the venue Google is shooting for to share the device. We also expect Google and ASUS to be handing these out to the attendees much like Samsung did with their tablets last year. This is assuming everything is on schedule.

Of course neither side is confirming any of the rumors, but we also haven’t seem them deny it either. With recent talks of NVIDIA’s new, less expensive KAI quad-core processor, we are fully expecting Google and ASUS to bring the rain. Landing us a quad-core tablet with a price point around $200 and purchasable directly through the Play Store, it all sounds to good to be true really. Rumors peg the first round of orders for 600,000. If that is the case, we expect them to be sold out rather quickly.

I know a lot of you are holding off to see what Google does with the Nexus tablet. It looks like we won’t have to wait too much longer. If Google I/O is the launch pad for the first tablet from Google, we will be sure to share as many details as we can.

Source: DigitimesÂ