
AT&T getting 3rd Galaxy S II device, Skyrocket HD on the Way

AT&T seems to be on a roll with dropping Samsung Galaxy S II variants. We are used to seeing variants hit different carriers, but multiple versions on one carrier is a bit absurd. Case in point, AT&T just had the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket HD clear through the FCC. Whats the difference between the HD and the original Skyrocket? Obviously the HD part leads one to understand that screen resolution will be much higher. The SGSII Skyrocket has a resolution of 480 X 800 on a 4.5-inch screen. The SGSII Skyrocket HD will be sporting a resolution of 1280 X 720 on a 4.65-inch Super AMOLED display. Which pretty much makes it a Galaxy Nexus with out the wonders of stock ICS. The processor will still be set at 1.5Ghz and be packing in the 4G LTE radios. Near as we can tell, this is just a bit larger, a much clearer screen and NFC.

What do you guys think of ANOTHER SGSII variant in the wild on AT&T. Are the over killing the product by making small improvements and pushing it out?

Source: Engadget