
AT&T to snag the Samsung Galaxy Note packing 4G LTE and a Qualcomm Chip

According to Pocketnow, AT&T will be landing the Samsung Galaxy Note sometime early next year. Labeled simply as the SGH-I717. The Note will incorporate the same 5.3-inch display with a 1280X800 resolution and still have all the functionality that makes this tabphone awesome. Reports are coming in that there will be a few major differences between the currently available international version and the stateside version.

Of course this version will be connected to AT&T’s 4G LTE data services. Much like any other high-end device that will be launched going forward. At least until they upgrade to something beyond 4G. The other notable difference will be in the processor. Instead of the Exynos chip set that many enjoy and love, Samsung and AT&T will be swapping that out for the Qualcomm MSM8660. Which is a dual-core chip clocked to 1.5GHz. This chip swap is a result of the new Exynos processor not playing well with LTE services yet. That would explain why the Samsung Galaxy S II Skyrocket has a Snapdragon under the hood instead of the Exynos found in the original SGSII.

We expect to see the device at CES 2012 coming up in January and will be sure to see if we can get some hands on time with the device for you guys. We doubt it will have ICS installed by the time it launches. Speculations peg this as having another bloatware infested version of 2.3 for the time being.

Source: PocketNow