
Awkward looking keyboard cover for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus is awkward

There are plenty of accessories in the mobile world that we don’t understand (selfie sticks come to mind), but a keyboard cover for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus that was leaked by leaker @evleaks today has us scratching our heads more than usual. As you can see in the photo below, the keyboard cover wraps around the bottom half of the S6 Edge Plus, providing physical keys where you would normally only have on-screen keys – to say the least, it looks kind of awkward.

However, despite how it looks, I can definitely see a use for such an add-on – there is likely a large segment of the market who struggle with on-screen keys and the lack of tactile feedback, even with vibration. For those people, this physical keyboard is perfect. From the photo, it appears that the homescreen will also shrink to fit the remaining screen so that the keyboard cover isn’t obscuring anything. Obviously, this won’t be for everyone, but Samsung has obviously decided there is a business case for this otherwise they wouldn’t have made it. Or not.

What do you think about the keyboard cover for the Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Source: Twitter via Phone Arena