
Best Buy announces Samsung Nexus S Pricing

The hits just keep on rolling! Today is shaping up to be quite an exciting day. We have just learned that Best Buy Mobile partnered with Google to bring the Nexus S to our doorsteps. The device will be available after Dec 16th at Best Buy store locations and at

Current pricing details include the full unlocked version for $529 and the T-Mobile contract version going for $199.

“We have invested a lot of time and resources to ensure people get the smart phone and support that’s right for them, and we expect to see significant consumer excitement focused on Nexus S,” said Mike Vitelli, president of the Americas for Best Buy. “This is a groundbreaking mobile device that you have to see to believe, and that’s exactly what people can do at every Best Buy and Best Buy Mobile location. We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Google and Samsung to launch this phone in time for the holidays.”

Looks like I might have to re-think my Holiday wish list. Has this recent release in information changed your wish list?

Source: bby