
Blade Electronics’ PulsePak Kickstarter project is the ‘World’s Smallest Smartphone Battery Charger’

PulsePak KickstarterThere are literally thousands of portable battery packs to choose from these days, however, one of my biggest peeves with these generally large and cumbersome battery packs is that unless you carry a bag with you, you will need to actively remember to bring them with you and find somewhere to store it when you leave the house. That’s something that Blade Electronics is trying to address with its PulsePak Kickstarter project, the self-professed “World’s Smallest Smartphone Battery Charger” which easily fits on a keychain.

The PulsePak is intended to be a 1.5×0.9 x0.5 inch box with a micro-USB connector (with a lightning cable connector to follow, maybe) and will hold a battery charge of 300mAh. That might not seem like much compared to some of the monster battery packs out there, but for something that fits on your keychain, you will get between 1-1.5 hours of talk time depending on your device’s capacity. Check out the Kickstarter pitch video below:

The pledges which include the PulsePak start at $15 (not including shipping) for early birds and surprisingly only go up $25 which includes a PulsePak with a limited edition gold anodized finish. Blade Electronics is hoping to reach its target of $25,000, and while they only have $688 in pledges right now, it’s still early days. So if you’re interested in getting on board, be sure to hit the links below and check out their full Kickstarter page.

Source: Kickstarter