
Swissvoice debuts new ePure line, redefines a home phone look gone mobile with elegant Design

Some accessories are just to cool not to share with you guys. Home and Mobile telecommunications company announced that they will be bringing their ePure Mobile Accessory to the U.S. and Canada for the first time through These things seriously look pretty awesome.

There are two separate accessories to give you guys a quick over view of. First is the ePure Bluetooth station. Looks a lot like the old school style home phones that many of us grew up with before cordless phones and mobile phones started taking over. Just looking at how it is designed and looks makes me want one sitting around. The ePure Bluetooth station will connect to your various devices like tablets, phone or PC via Bluetooth 2.0. It lets you make and receive calls just like the old days. Lets face it, we all don’t like things shoved in our ears and many of our devices are little to slim to hold on our shoulders and still talk. It offers up 20 meters line of sight range, which is much better than the usual 10 meters, 30 feet. You can take it ‘off the hook’ and lay it down and us it to listen to music too.

The unit offers a charging docking cradle for those iPhone and iPod owners out there. The iPhone version is the BH01i. Then there is the BH01u, which has a USB port on the rear of the ePure for all the rest of us to be able to charge our devices at the same time.

Inside both units is a 1000 mAh battery for staying wireless for approximately 6 our of talk time and 300 hours of standby. With reported 3.5 hours of music listening. The handset offers a 2 x 2 watts loudspeaker, Noise reduction and 10 level volume control on the handset its self. The pictures look nice, but you really need to see the video below to really be impressed with its design and sound.

We are considering picking up for sure.

Swissvoice also released a secondary product that is equally as cool, with less features but a great look. Meet the Corded Handset. It comes in a variety color options and plugs directly into your device. Giving the same feel of the Bluetooth version, but for much less. Sadly, and something we often see, the controls for volume and call control are designed just for iOS. That doesn’t mean that some Android devices won;t be able to use it, just means we don’t have a running list that it would work with. I have run into these “iOS Only controls” in the past and found that they have worked on various Android devices as well.

What do you guys think? Personally it looks pretty slick. If it jumps right out at you as a must have accessory, you can find links to purchase these new additions at below. The Bluetooth BH01i will set you back $149.99, where as the BH01u will run you $139.99. If you think the corded version is more your style, then you will be looking at $39.99 (CH05) in any color option available, and you can snag the CH01, which is the corded phone and the cradle to complete the look for $49.99.

Now, currently the prices listed at Amazon are a little higher than what was quoted across to us in the press release. Which is definitely no good for you guys right now. We will list the links to each one below, but know that the price listed is being fixed and should be updated to reflect what we stated previously soon.


Swissvoice ePure Bluetooth Headset with Base for Android – Black

Swissvoice ePure Mobile Bluetooth Station for iPhone – Black


Swissvoice ePure Mobile Corded Handset – White/Blue

Swissvoice ePure Mobile Corded Handset – White/White

Swissvoice ePure Mobile Corded Handset – White/Orange

Swissvoice ePure Mobile Corded Handset – White/Green

Swissvoice ePure Mobile Corded Handset – White/Pink

And of course you dig in and find more information about either one of these accessory items and every thing else that Swissvoice makes at their website –