
Can’t handle the heat: Samsung Galaxy Tab S overheating has caused warping of back Cover

Samsung Galaxy Tab S

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S launched to much fanfare because of its extremely clear displays, courtesy of Samsung‘s very special Super AMOLED displays. Unfortunately though, it appears the rest of the device might not be handling its graphical prowess so well with users reporting their tablets heating up quite a lot during prolonged use. An even more unfortunate side effect of this heat is that the back cover of some of these devices have warped, causing some very noticeable deformations (see above and below).

Samsung Galaxy Tab SSamsung has long been the subject of criticism due to its reluctance to abandon plastic-based materials for their devices, particularly on their Galaxy S5 and Galaxy Tab S, and it’s likely that these complaints are just going to add fuel to the fire. While the deformation doesn’t technically affect the performance of the device at all, we really do expect better from the world’s biggest manufacturer of mobile devices, and we certainly expect them to respond to these complaints as they so far have apparently neglected to.

What do you think about the warped back covers on the Samsung Galaxy Tab S? Think Samsung is pushing plastic a bit too far now? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Source: hi-tech-mail-ru via SamMobile