Landing page pops up proving Google is about to offer purchasable music Services
Rumors are one thing, and then a screen shot of a landing page is another. It is pretty much impossible to deny the image you see...
Rumors are one thing, and then a screen shot of a landing page is another. It is pretty much impossible to deny the image you see...
Well Hugo, you may have crushed many hopes and dreams this morning when you flat out stated the Nexus One wouldn’t get an official Ice Cream...
Yesterday we posted up one engineers list of HTC devices that could potentially get Ice Cream Sandwich. The Nexus One was definitely part of that list....
Readers of this site undoubtedly have at least one “action figure” they would openly purchase / display and willingly cop to having a penchant for. As...
The continued coverage of Ice Cream Sandwich will be running well into next year. With every new device that is launched and with every device that...
We all have seen the work that the developers have been doing around the clock to bring some of the icy goodness to our devices. Of...
The Galaxy Note is one of those devices that when seen for the first time offers up some WOW factor. Offering up some pretty nice specs...
Microsoft announced yesterday that it has completed a licensing agreement with Taiwanese Original Design Manufacturer (ODM) Compal Electronics for Android and Chrome devices it designs and manufactures. This...
After the BIG announcement of the Galaxy Nexus, many wondered what other carriers would be getting their hands on this device. We all hoped the Verizon...
The more and more time that passes as we near the official launch of the Galaxy Nexus and Ice Cream Sandwich the more we find out....
I always love to see a new device get released for mass consumption. I really like to see said device then get full root access. There...
I always find it rather entertaining when I see a story about a hot new device being questioned when it comes to the carrier we all...
We know Verizon is scheduled to get the Galaxy Nexus and launch it sometime soon. Unless you believe all the rumors that they have backed out...
Just moments ago HTC posted up some information regarding their plans for Ice Cream Sandwich on their devices. Not that their response is even remotely close...
We have a sneaking suspicion that we will be getting a lot of these kinds of announcements over the next few weeks. With an OS update...
We all knew that when the Android 4.0 SDK hit the developers that a port of it would get started. SDK ports aren’t always the best...
I can already tell that there are going to be a lot of manufacturers announcing Ice Cream Sandwich headed to their respective devices. We heard about...
When the official Ice Cream Sandwich OS was announced and demonstrated one question remained unanswered. What devices that are currently out will get an update? That...
One of the features that was added to the Galaxy Nexus was a barometer. I saw it listed during the event and didn’t pay much mind...
Although I may not be a developer nor capable of understanding all the various terms and locations for what is used and needed, I still know...