
Andrew Bell Announces Latest Special Edition Android Figures

Readers of this site undoubtedly have at least one “action figure” they would openly purchase / display and willingly cop to having a penchant for. As far as which one (or which one is in the top spot), my money is on the Andrew Bell / Dyzplastic vinyl android mini collectibles. Available (perhaps that’s not the most suitable descriptor) in myriad designs, some more clever than others, these very limited production object d’art have likely fueled numerous ebay machines.

In honor of the Mexican holiday Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) on November 01, a new special edition Android mini collectible will be available on the Dead Zebra site in two batches: 11am EDT and 11pm EDT on Tuesday the first. [Though the Dyzplastic site indicates EST, DST doesn’t end until November 06.] Historically, these collectibles sell out from the Dead Zebra site in minutes.

The figurines have been marketed as a “series one” and a “series two” set, a summer, 2011 set, a “standard” green Andy, as well as two “special edition” variants. This will be the third such special edition. Series one and two designs come in white and black boxes, respectively, and the special editions and the summer designs  set ship in specially-designed themed windowed boxes.

Also available at that time, will be a similarly-themed Dia de los Muertos skull tee, in purple or black.



Source: Dyzplastic blog